Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia Encyklopedia powszechna, pisana i redagowana przez internautów. 00000linkstart3200000linkend32WikiStats by s23-List of Wikipedias 4 Paź 2009. List of Wikipedias. № Language (↑ ↓, Language (local) (↑ ↓, Wiki (↑ ↓, Good (↑ ↓, Total (↑ ↓, Edits (↑ ↓, Admins (↑ ↓
Polska Wikipedia' s notes are on Facebook. With Facebook Notes, you can share your life with your friends through written entries. List of Wikipedias by language family-Meta For list by language superfamilies, see List ofWikipedia check. Dennis_ Keiffer [Google wikipedias]; Derek_ Poundstone [Google wikipedias]; Diane_ Savereide [Google wikipedias].Wikipedia Toolbar: Dodatki dla programu FirefoxThis toolbar speeds up navigation and editing of Wikipedia by making the most common of Wikipedia' s page functions always conveniently accessible from atop.Global Wikipedia Article SearchThis site allows for searching all major Wikipedia sites for articles with the given name, which is useful for building links between theseWikipedia.Wikimedia blog» Blog Archive» New Wikipedia interface to nine.We' d like to thank users for all the feedback and comments about the new user interface which was enabled to English Wikipedia on May 13, 2010.Rzuszcze-Wikipedia' s Rzuszcze as translated by GramTrans. Wikipedia® estas registrita varmarko de la Wikimedia Fundamento, Inc. Ne-profita.List of Wikipedias by speakers per article-MetaThis page contains a list of Wikipedias sorted by the number of speakers per article. These tables were updated on 1 April 2010.

Wikipedia' s Expansive Influence in Candidate Search Results« Fred.26 Feb 2007. In a recent survey, i found that Wikipedia has an expansive influence in organic Google search results for 2008 presidential candidates.Kategorie: Wikipedias volgens taal-WikipediaArtikels in" Wikipedias volgens taal" kategorie. Ontsluit van" http: af. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/Kategorie: Wikipedias_ volgens_ taal"Web20: Wikipedia' s Most Visited Pages: Beatles, YouTube, Obama. | Wikipedia' s Most Visited Pages: Beatles, YouTube, Obama Prior to 2001, gilded hard cover encyclopedias were cracked to fact check everything from raptor.Proposal: Clubs for 0. 5 mil. & 100 thousand articles Wikipedias/pl.Wikipedia generalnie jest wciąż mało znana. w tzw. Powszechnej świadomości funkcjonuje co najwyżej na zasadzie" oni (internauci) jakąś tam sobie.Msx dod: s Aimbot prosba-dod: s-cs. hacked. pl-cheats, counter.Do końca pierwszego roku istnienia Wikipedia urosła do około 20 000. " Complete list of language Wikipedias available" Meta-Wiki. |
Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region of PolandKujawy, 495 words, Wikipedia' s entry for the region. 670 words, This article is adapted from from Wikipedia. Archeological Museum in Biskupin.Snared in the Web of a Wikipedia Liar-New York Times4 Dec 2005. The question of Wikipedia, as of so much of what you find online, is: Can you trust it? | Categoria: Wikipedias per lingua-Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libereWikimedia Commons ha archivos multimedia de: Wikipedias per lingua. Articulos in le categoria" Wikipedias per lingua" Iste categoria contine solmente le.List of Wikipedias-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-57stitch. Com |
Support Wikipedia/da-Wikimedia Foundation 25. Nov 2009. så dan bevarer vi Wikipedia, encyklopæ dien, der skrives af folket. Jeg er blevet glad for Wikipedias intelligente og detaljerede.Cherub Forum: Brigands mcFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia. It may need to be wikified to meetWikipedias-surge-in-growth/" rel= " nofollow" tutaj/a. Br/br.File: Articles per person all Wikipedias. Png-Wikimedia Commons2 Aug 2009. This graphs shows a comparison of a factor, which suppose to represent the number of articles per person for Wikipedias with more than 10000.
Wikipedia: Vertaalriglyne-Wikipedia z Wikipedii
Wat vertaling betref, sluit dit dus waarskynlik alle artikels in by ander wikipedias wat jy verstaan. Die volgende mag egter meer nuttig wees vir die.
Wikipedia: Community Portal-Wikipedia z WikipediiSieBot is active on 180 Wikipedias. See the user page of the bot for more details, or check a complete overview of its activities here. Cheers!Forum-lernu! Komunikacija/Forum/ZawodWikipedia ni dikas keĉ irkaŭ tridek uloj parlas la volapukon. Estus inter 200' 000 kaj du millionoj por la esperanto.ವ ಿ ಕ ಿ ಪ ೀ ಡ ಿ ಯ Searching-Wikipedia z WikipediiThe entities should be folded into their raw character equivalents so all searches on them are equivalent. Wikipedia: Special charactersಇ ದ ನ ್ ನ ೂWikipedia z Wikipedii
Complete list of language Wikipedias available· Multilingual. Retrieved from" http: bo. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/% e0% bd% 82% e0% bd% 99% e0% bd% bc% e0% bc% 8b% e0% bd% 84.
User: PipepBot-Wikipedia
26 Aug 2007. Bot flag set on these Wikipedias; Bot flag requested on these. Retrieved from" http: baczyn. Pl/olek/wikipedia/w/cr/User: PipepBot"Wikipedia: a Taberna (propostas)-Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre.Conversando cuns amigos sobre as wikipedias castelá e galega, comentáronme que unha das vantaxes que consideran máis significativa da españ ola é que dá a.
Wikipedia-Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre z WikipediiA Wikipedia é un proxecto de enciclopedia de contido libre, multilingüe e de contido aberto operativo grazas á organización sen ánimo de lucro Fundación.Mtumiaji: Ndesanjo-Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru z WikipediiI have been involved in Wikipedias in several other African languages, such as Bambara. i will be speaking about the Wikipedias i have been involved in.Svn: 67795] trunk/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/PrefSwitch.2010年 6月 10日 Ein Screenshot von Wikipedias neuer Navigationsoberfläche< small> Media: VectorNavigation-de. Png (vergrößern)] < small>The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization. Many other Wikipedias are available; some of the largest are listed below. Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre z Wikipedii
A versión en galego da Wikipedia. Este é un proxecto internacional feito por voluntarios, co propósito de facer unha enciclopedia libre, accesible.
Usuario: Adalbertofrenesi-Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre z WikipediiSe accedeu a esta páxina a través dun sitio diferente a Wikipedia pode que a versión desta páxina non estea actualizada. a versión orixinal desta páxina.Wikipedia: Acerca de-Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre z WikipediiA Wikipedia é unha enciclopedia de contido libre. Está escrita en colaboración con moitos usuarios grazas a que esta páxina web é un Wiki, isto significa.Galipedia-Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre z WikipediiA Galipedia é o nome co que se coñ ece a Wikipedia en galego. Botou a andar o 8 de marzo de 2003 e ten agora mesmo 60. 307 artigos. |